Local Missions

Loaves & Fishes Ministry: Feeding Our Community

As part of our commitment to serving others in Christ’s name, our congregation partners with Trinity United Methodist Church to host a monthly food distribution on the second Saturday of each month at College Park in Grand Island. Through the generosity of Food Bank for the Heartland, we help provide essential food supplies to 525 families in need.

Each month, volunteers join together to unload a semi-truck full of food and distribute it to our neighbors. This ministry is a powerful way to live out our faith, offering hope and nourishment to those experiencing food insecurity.

Volunteers are always welcome! If you would like to serve, join us from 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM. For more details, please contact the church office.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” — Matthew 25:35

Sewing for Mission: Stitching Love into Every Thread

Each month, a dedicated group of women gathers for Sewing for Mission, a ministry that transforms fabric into gifts of comfort and care. With every stitch, we offer prayers and blessings to those who receive our creations.

Our sewing ministry works on a variety of projects, including:

  • Quilts for graduating seniors
  • Book bags for preschool children
  • Hygiene bags for the homeless
  • And many other acts of love through fabric and thread

You don’t need to be an expert seamstress to join—help is always needed with cutting, ironing, and quilting. Sewing for Mission is more than crafting—it’s a fun and meaningful way to serve others in Jesus’ name.

“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” — Proverbs 31:20

Serving at the Salvation Army

At the heart of our Gospel mission is a commitment to feeding the hungry and serving our neighbors in need. In addition to our monthly food distribution, our congregation actively supports the Salvation Army—both financially and through hands-on service. Our members serve on the Salvation Army board, helping to guide its mission in our community, while others regularly volunteer to prepare and serve meals to those in need.

We believe that providing food is more than meeting a physical need—it is a way to share God’s love, grace, and hope with those who are struggling. By working together, we seek to follow Christ’s command to care for the least among us.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.” — Proverbs 19:17

Habitat for Humanity

First Presbyterian Church is pleased to be among the founders of Habitat for Humanity in the city of Grand Island. Our congregation participates by assembling volunteer work teams, providing meals for workers, purchasing household items for new homeowners and promoting the program. Every December, the children of the church decorate sugar cookies for the annual Cookie Walk fundraiser.

Project Hunger

Our church participates in several Project Hunger programs. A cooking team prepares and serves a Sunday evening meal for 150 at the Grand Island Salvation Army on a regular basis. We also collect items monthly for the Food For Thought backpack program, provide holiday meal baskets to families in need, help with the Easter Basket Extravaganza and compete in the Canned Food Sculpture Contest at the Hall County Fair.

Community Partnerships

In addition to our hands-on mission work, we financially support and volunteer with several organizations that serve those in need. Our church is blessed to partner with these ministries to share God’s love in our community.